I’m so happy to be home for these exciting pre-release weeks! I can’t believe that very soon, my book will really be out there, and everyone will have a chance to meet the characters who have become such a real part of my world. I feel so tremendously inspired here, with my little laptop-on-a-tv-table-by-the-ocean office, while Ninja goes on her silly walkabouts to greet every tourist she sees with a wag and a Frisbee. Book Two is already written and I’m just delving into Book Three, the conclusion of this adventure that for everyone else is only beginning. I’ve got my Kauai Coffee Co Hawaiian Hazelnut coffee, my Uncle Mikey’s dried manna papaya, and plenty of sunscreen (ocean potion, from Foodland, best grocery store ever (maka’i!)), so I’m surrounded by my favorite things. I couldn’t imagine a better way to usher in Shattered Blue’s release, or to begin working on the final installment in The Light Trilogy. I’d love to hear from you guys—where do you feel most inspired? Where’s your happy place?

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